Statement of Conscience On the Agenda For General Assembly

The UU Visalia Board has moved to support the UUA in adding a Statement of Conscience on the agenda for General Assembly this year. It is called “Undoing Intersectional White Supremacy”.  We invite all of our members and friends to study the statement and engage in conversation about it–what it means, and whether UU Visalia should vote at the GA to adopt it. 

Here is a brief excerpt:

“Seeking universal justice and equity, this statement calls upon the Unitarian Universalist Association, member organizations, and Unitarian Universalists to actively engage in undoing intersectional white supremacy in all of its manifestations. Intersectional white supremacy refers to the embedded, uneven, and pervasive nature of white supremacy in our society, while acknowledging the disparate impact of racism on individuals and groups….”

Follow this link to the full statement:

 “Undoing Intersectional White Supremacy: A Call to Prophetic Action”